Hello: I am just learning about pH. I thought this might interest some of you. I have just recently killed my candida overgrowth using xylitol as an antifungal (along with probiotics and bentonite). A friend told me she tested the pH of xylitol and it was around 8. Xylitol is usually only recommended for teeth and gums and diabetes because it can cause gastrointestinal upset (which it does in large amounts, which I took). It is an antifungal and kills some bacteria. I have not tested my pH in any part of my body. I will soon, though, when I get some strips. My diet was not too good before I got sick, but previously it was healthy. Now I eat many vegetables, not very many carbohydrates, moderate protein.
Perhaps xylitol can be used to alkalinize the body? If anyone has any comments, I would love to hear.