I feel like I have the symptoms of PTSD, I am just too nervous and panicy for it to be considered "the anxiety of the daily grind".
I did actually have at least one "sudden incident" - I was hit by a drunk while on a motorcycle and badly smashed up
- but I think my present PTSD is from the years of constant pains of Fibromyalgia, plus Trigeminal Neuralgia [painfull problem w/ a nerve in the face ], plus the hell I went thru with dentists [but won't have to do again since I eventally had them pulled out!], plus a lot of other health problems that all have to do with nerves, physical and mental nerves. Like poisening does, toxins pesticide exposures.
I am just trying to ask : could my "trauma" be from long term situations like that, terrible pains every day,but not a sudden violation of the body like rape or accicents?