Dear Black Cat,
At age 24-34(the ten years with genital herpes only ), I only took Valtrex periodically, and usually not more than 3 days, for I don't know anything about viruses at those time. As long as I can bear the itch I won't take it. This way is very similar to the medical doctor's way of sporadic therapy----however the doctors recommend one or two weeks valtrex whenever there is an outbreak and not my naive way of only 3 days. The valtrex stopped than replicating or at least you can function.
At age 34, I got HSV2 infected in mouth, so the first time I follow the presciption amount. The first response from the body might be dizziness----as the body started to get used to valtrex. I had only one dizziness, and nerve pain in the bum on the first time, and not anymore on suppressive therapy. Suppressive therapy is on one year and my doctor said he has patient taking one and a half year. Your driving might be hinder by the dizziness, and I just drove local on a few traffic road for dinner during the dizziness. Fortunately, there were some other food in the fridge on those days.
Then, I experiment not to take any valtrex as for the olive leaf, garlic, neen leaf, I.V. ozone etc to kill the viruses. All those things plus I.V hydrogen peroxide and ozone can only kill viruses in blood. They did kill the viruses for after the two hours I.V., my swollen face turned to normal when I left the doctor's office. However, I soon found I need energy even to take care of everyday's payment, running around in doctor's office, so I took valtrex daily instead of let the viruses come out and kill them. Sometimes I took 2 grams of Valtrex which is ok at one time for suppressing HSV2 in mouth in one day only. Some doctors believe 2 grams, which is more than 1 gram ( normal dosage for genital herpes ) is required for treating mouth herpes while some do not know about this. I learned about this from internet, and don't ask me which website for how tiring it is for me to keep track of all these website addresses. Also, I search on Herpes Zoster's dosage as well at those time and suggested my doctor to give me more.
Pls change your diet to vegetables and consume protein daily like fish/eggs/chicken/beef( no fruits yet---for fruits go to the intestine will turn to sugar----this also coincides with Daniel in the Bible only consumed vegetables and water and still gain excellent health). This is an insight the Lord gave me as some people recommended fruit therapy or there is a fruit juice therapy in this zone as well. For Herpes, fruit therapy is not as good as just vegetable therapy due to no
Sugar and no yeast to take energy away from the Immune System. Besides, vegetables have some
Sugar already, just average around 2/3 less than fruits. Accidentally after consuming in FreshChoice, I found the electrifying pain changed to bearable. God is very fair, He gave Brian an insight on chewing raw garlic which help the HSV2 in my mouth to stop coming. And certainly He will give others insight, too. The waste product of viruses will be neutralized by the vegetables which is so alkaline, that even if the viruses are crawling, you will feel less pain, and can function better. The chemicals of acidic and alkaline pays a very important part whether you can function or not while the outbreak is coming.
Try I.V. Hydrogen Peroxide and ozone rectal insufflation. I did'nt dare try ear insufflation for I think there needs to be a place for the viruses to come out, so if I put ear insufflation, the viruses go further in some other ear parts or my brain to avoid the areas they knew are full of ozone. I asked Dr. Saul Pressman if he can guarantee thru' email that there will not be such things as viruses going further, and he did not send me the email. Dr. Saul Pressman is the one who sells ozone generator. I did not purchase any ozone generator yet for the doctors I know purchase Longevity. Dr. Saul Pressman's is to be most powerful however, if I need to ask a doctor to come to my house for helping me to change ozone tank, the staff will help me. So I hesitate. Also, Longevity offers no refund while Dr. Saul Pressman allows refund.
Oh, I drank food grade hydrogen peroxide before I tried therapy of I.V. Hydrogen Peroxide nor ozone rectal insufflation for two months only. The first time I drank, I noticed the feeling as if air goes from stomach to the colon, and go to the bathroom right away. During those two months, only two times I had bowel right away. Some bacteria or
parasites must have been killed for I had eaten raw eggs, sushi, geoduck, and was twice pushed to drink toilet bowl water during discipline/or maybe toture by a person which I better respect and not say it. The point is to kill some harmful viruses/parasite/bacteria in the body. So your immune system can engulf harmful stuffs that it can fight off or maybe some Herpes viruses before the viruses replicated fast. Also, I heard that ozone or hydrogen peroxide can sometimes kill the eggs only and not larvae. Anyways, as long as some harmful stuffs are killed it is ok. Furthermore, all living organisms breath and gave out waste, so the ozone or hydgrogen peroxide can neutralize the waste-----this is my theory as I felt better.
I did Fast, too. If you can, pls fast with Faith or reading the Bible to enhance healing. My gynacologist is against fasting and warn me of diabetes that there is no normal
Sugar level in blood, and will trigger insulins. I followed him and till one day, with a change of heart to believe in Fasting as a healing way recorded in the Bible, I fasted, and felt so much better. Search on how to break a fast as well for if you don't, this is very devasted to the digestive system that the body might want more food and keep the digestive system working hard, or you might introduce something that is very harmful to the body after the body had stopped digesting. Also, I had only Fasted twice in one meal time only. I dare not go to the lengthy ones yet.
Then, I followed the book named " The Maker's Diet by Jordan Ruben, a N.D. whose father is also an N.D " and do not eat pork, shellfish ( lobster, shrimp, etc. ), fish without scales and fins, catfish ( look at that wiered face of the catfish) and my itch is less painful. Those food took the oxygen in the body. Besides The Maker's Diet was based on the actual experience of Jordan Ruben got incurable Crohn's disease at age 19, suffered two years and healed by another doctor who told him to follow the diet of Leviticus 11 (Bible ). You can borrow from any American public library.
Also, Jordan Reuban said, with a change of heart, change of attitude and diet change, he was healed. Though, I am not fully healed, I felt much better now, and believe I will be better everyday.
I am not trying to preach to you nor any readers today:) for I have enough people in list to share. Besides, only those with ears can listen, and I felt my job is to plant the seed only. I just want to make you feel better. In the next email I will give you some Healing Verses for it will be easier to search.