dear friend,
doctors know NOTHING about herpee and that's reality, you cannot ask them for hekp. I have genital herpes since 2 yrs ago, when i had my first outbreak I was newly married and did not have sex with anyone else than my hsb in the previous 2 yrs. doctors kept on saying that "intercourse is the only source of HSV2 and 1st outbreaks ALWAYS occurs within 2 weeks after infectious intercourse" . this is absurd since my hsb NEVER had an HSV2 outbreak in his whole life, neither before or after our relationship, while I have
it 2 times a month ( !!! ).
They even went on suggesting that perhaps he cheated on me and/or did hide his outbreaks, rather than discuss their Strong & Wrong Beliefs.
Reality is, that everyone is different. I believe there is not THE herpes cure, there are a billion protocols that work, you just have to choos the ones you like and see what happens.
About the tingling, it's the same as above, everyone gets different symptoms, I have dull headache and dizziness the day bfore outbreak, and often salivar glands swelling/tongue sores, too.
I currently have 2 outbreaks at alternate months, I get outbreak on january 10th and 25th, then february is herpes-free, march is 10th and 25th again, and so on.
Recently I found 50% Oregano Oil applied directly on the wound being very helpful i reducing irtchiness/pain/length of outbreak. You have to bear a lot of burning for the 1st few minutes but it is worth the results.
on more thing,I do not think that you can spread HSV2 because of scalp tingling, do not worry.