I just called " 24-Hour Addictions Referral Network at 800-577-4740 ", and the man said there are free programs for kicking the pot addiction. Pls call that number for I don't know which state you are in. If you don't like the program, pick up a Smart Yellow Pages in the phone booth, or in the library for cities you want to go, and look under " Community Service " at around page 20 for drug dependence referral. Since I do not know anyone take drugs, I only rely on the phone book for referral.
I found my religion help me tremendously in this pain.
There had been many times I cried to God and yelled at Him that why He had forgiven me but cruely reminded me of this sin by letting the outbreak tormented me. Secretly, I had imagined I might turn to drug addictions and lie on the street as a homeless, after spending all my money on " ozone " or whatever and cannot work. I have weekly outbreak in nose and lip, that my relative thought I might infect him if I go to his house, that my boyfriend who initally said he will take care of me for the rest of the life starts to hint my finding of another guy who accepts my Herpes. Initially, my boyfriend can take my genital herpes for thinking ozone can cure it, unfortunately, from users in Dr. Saul Pressman's website and my doctor's confirmation that ozone does not cure herpes, and there is always outbreak potential. All I want is the outbreak not so fierce as to keep me from sleep, so I can work and do my Christian duty.
Fortunately after crying out my heart to the Lord, the pain gone on the same day that I knew the Lord took pity on me. A Christian brother who had nose cancer also said after crying bitterly to the Lord, the Lord gave him a miracle that he can drink a big glass of milk without pain. His nose and mouth tissues are destroyed by radiation that even drinking water is like eating a sharp glass to him.
I found I need to communicate with God by taking His Words and His Way, so I and God can communicate. I can't say " What kind of forgiveness is this that you forgiven me but not healed me ? " Otherwise, I and God will not be able to communicate. I need to accept " All things happened to me are for my good." There must be a reason for it to happen. God loves me so much that he will not help the Herpes viruses but will help me. He is just trying to test my character or strengthen me thru' adversity. If I do not have Herpes, how will I be sensitive to people who have Herpes and other illness? Even though I had sinned, and there is a consequence to the sin, the Lord will lessen it if we pleaded with Him, and the same applied to you. King Solomon was borned to King David. Pastor said the Lord punished King David but is merciful to let King David to be the husband of Bathsheba and let King Solomon borned. Now your broken heart is similar to King David's speech" O my son Absalom!If only I had died instead of you---O Absalom, my son! " A BROKEN AND A CONTRITE HEART, O GOD, THOU WILL NOT DESPITE. (PSALM 51:17b )
God is gracious, merciful, and slow to anger. In the meantime, go to a church, see if the pastor can give you support, and God will guide you.
Even my old self want to commit suicide due to difficulty in adjustment, I know I will not. I don't want to disgrace God again and don't want the bigger worms in hell to bite me forever. Once in heaven, all these pains will be gone. Commit Suicide leads to eternal damnation in hell, with mean people, life size worms,and fire.
NOW YOUR GOAL IS TO MAKE THE PAIN LESS SEVERE. I had taken I.V. hydrogen peroxide so the pain is less severe. Hydrogen Peroxide and ozone are therapeutic. Then, I just eat raw vegetables and hard boiled eggs or chicken for protein, so the pain is not as severe as my favorite coffee, cake, seafood and steak. You will save a lot of money on food, too. I will buy a ozone generator as I need to drink ozonated water, and do insufflations for 2 years at least.
Don't ever touch pot again or leave yourself in a tempting situation while you are kicking off. You don't want to hurt yourself anymore. I can't look at the muffins in a Salad Bar if I eat salad nor can I look into the Soup if I have mumerous
food allergies .
I will pray for you. You can send your prayer request to curezone.com, also.
Somehow, I felt Tarvacin can cure us, if we repent, obey and trust God. One Christian brother challenged my thought by saying this is a disease God wants us to know as our being rebellious against Him. God is sovereign that He does not need us to follow Him by giving us a disease to prove His Words are to be followed. The hurt and broken relationship is equally unbearable. Besides, there will be new species of virus if man continue to sin, as the DNA can be altered to something human never experienced before, and have no immunity. Forgive me for sharing too much. I hope my painful experience can comfort you that you are not alone.