you need about 15 min sunlight per day without sunscreen and with out sunglasses (sunscreen is not a good thing that it is touted to be)
good moisture clean skin/ with out use of chemical drying products and good natural oils lightly applied with pinky finger in tender skin areas will help rejuvenate it..
start wwearing hats and stop squinting
if you use makeup , best remover is simply almond oil
no dryign soap no petroleum based producet etc..
i have been using an excellent book
it is expensive but woth ever penny if you do it !
i am turnign 46 this sunday and been thru soem major facial and head injuries/ also had gaine dwt while sedentary as my body healed and i relearned functions/
i was deeply concerned about wrinkles if i lost wt yo uknow .. the face sag stuff..
i can say that usign the extrmemly simply facial exercises/in the book .. take about 10/15 min aday to do.. so easy
have really amd e a difference.
i have NO crows feet.
i have barley any wrinkle s on my face.. and where it was puffy under eyes/ swollen from dmamges
it is about 90 % gone and gets better each month..
th eonly major wrinkle ihave .. is a dent in my forehead from an injury.
but even that has diminishe d quite a bit..
i am still working on under my chinline area/ but that is part of losign wt.. and it is about 75% less than it was..
i think i look about 5-8 years younger than i did ..
considering i wa sa mess with severly swollen face and hav eha dseveral places broken..
rebuildign the muscles that hold the skin has made a dramatic in crease in appearance..
i think by end of the year i will look at leas tin my mid 30's
heck , i ahv eseen d 25 year old slokking worse than me..
it is in your lif estyle.. wha tyou do to your fac e now / you will seein it later.
eat good lot sof good water/ etc..and don't tug an d pull or rest your face on hand setc..
when i was in my 20's i started seeing littel lines in my face when i woke up from teh way i slept my arm was draped over my sid eof face.
i stoppe dthat and it mad e abig improvemnt..
sorry my typin gi sgetting bad tonight/ not using my notepad and my daughter want s me to do teh veggies whiel she does the noodles 8)
the book i woudl suggest is called facelifting by exercise
by Sente Maria Runge see link
i tis about 39$ and worth eveyr penny !
it is a big hard cover book with full page photos of a gal doing the exercises and at first it might seem a bit hard,
but actually they are incredibley simple.
this lady is dea dnow/ but in teh 60's ahd a 2 eyar series daily
and a grea tmany movie stars etc use dher techniques
and avoided facail sureguries/
she spent all her lif eto researchign the muscles andhow to focu son the specific areas.. so this isn't jstu facial grimaces.
you only nee d to do 5-10 exercise perday of each one to see dramatic results rather quickly.
best to you
Ami Joi Benton
agai pleas e pardon my typing it has been a busy eve for me and no tiem to sit and correct evye thing fo ran hour 8)