Sounds like we have the same problem. I have trouble sleeping and have tried everything under the sun, 5-HTP, tryptophan, ornithine, meditation, hypnosis, and nothing worked. Most supplements that are supposed to help you sleep actually do the opposite for me and it makes it even harder to sleep. Here are some things that have helped. I've been eating a raw diet for 7 months now. When I am very careful to eat the same things everyday and not eat too much fruit I'll sleep like a baby. My mother has suffered with insomnia most of her life and takes medication for it. She got it right after having her first of 5 children. One interesting thing is that she has a blood transfusion after her first. The toxins from someone elses blood could have caused her problems. She is also doing the raw diet. One very interesing thing that she has found is that if she drinks raw cream before bed she'll fall asleep without having to take most of her usual meds. This works better for her than anyting she has ever tried. She only discovered this a few days ago and is gradually reducing her meds. Another thing I've found that seems to help is taking all my pillows out from under my head and putting them between my knees. Something about the heart being higher than the legs seems to help me sleep. I also sleep much better when I use ear plugs. For people who have insomnia like we do, where all the usual supplements don't help, the cause is a toxic body, especially the colon. I believe that in order to permanentely cure our disease we need to cleanse our body, and this will take time. The first thing you need to do is cleanse your colon. I was just reading the other day that a toxic colon causes insomnia and you will never be fully cured until you clean it out. There are many ways to cleanse the colon and I suggest you look into it. I'm using a colema board. The next thing to do is cleanse your liver of all stones. Check out
Andreas Moritz 's liver cleanse here on curezone. There is also the liver cleanse forum. While you are doing these cleanses you can also cleanse your body of heavy metals. I've been using a clay and HMD supplement from
http://www.magneticclay.com that is working very well in getting the metals out. I am also eating a cilantro pesto. You can read about the pesto at
http://owen.curezone.com/healing/cilantro.html Now that I am doing all of these cleanses I am feeling and sleeping much better. Most nights now I fall asleep right away when I used to be up till 3 sometimes 5 in the morning. I'm very confidant that when I'm finished cleansing I will be completely healed from my insomnia as well as my other diseases. I hope that you will too. Love, Mary