When my son was very young he accidentally poked me in the eye.
I went to see the eye doctor and was told that fingernail wounds on an eye
can take the longest time to heal over many other *scratches* on eyes,
because it creates a *flap *.
When you go to pull off your contacts , or wear them it may be that they are actually *sticking* to the flap and reopening it again a bit.
Try to keep them very well moistened ,
most esp when removing, and also when you get up in the morning,
and in aircondtioned stores,
since they can be extremely drying to the contact wearers eyes.
If you work in a dusty environment, wear safety glasses even to keep it from getting under the contact, and esp also if in a car or even biking/ the wind can make them *stick * and repull on the scratch.
I agree with Just Peachy that you should go see an eye doctor.
An exam will tell you exactly what it is and how to approach it from there.
It took me a year to get to where I was fully healed, but I still had to use moistener in dry conditions.
I was told by the doctor that it coudl take as little as 6 weeks -several months
depending on how deep the wound is, and the environment that itis exposed to .
Mine was very nasty scratch so I am sure , that your will take much less time.
The eyes are so precious a sense.
Please take care of them and get an exam asap
Ami Joi Benton