thanks, i dont think buying the book and then giving it to my doctor is gonna work, they already seem chapped when you ask them to do this and to do that , if i give hima book hes gonna flip, im tellin ya ll they could care less around this area of the country, everyone says there is nothing wrong with me but i feel like crap almost all of the time, it comes and goes. it is so freakin weird to explain.
i was almost bed ridden for a while but made it through it, i even asked one doctor about this and he about laughed me out of the office. this is so unreal, i fear cancer also but the way this feels i just dont see it being cancer yet.
one of my main issues that began with this was blood in the stool a while ago i typed in dental amalgam+blood in stool in google and boom lol there was a link for this, ( ) with several others, i was astonished. i could not beleive it. i have had several blood tests done, but CBC tests, i know this would not show cancer but i was told regardless if it was cancer, it would show a abnormality in the red and white blood cells if it was cancerous, is that true or what ? i know they wreek havoc on your white blood cells cause the cancer killer cells are trying to fight it but with this it wouldnt show at all correct ?
also be careful yall when you tell a dentist you want ceramic, this is what i did and when it wore down, hmmm there is that tell tale silver underneath it, aint cool seems like they are trying to hide this stuff now even.
heck with getting them replaced, if i can find out that this is the problem, im getting dentures so i dont have to worry about it anymore. my fiance's dad got his put in when he was 18 yrs old, he acts like hes still 18 lol good ole guy he is. ©†ƒ……•™¼‡_Original_Message_¾€š½ž¢«»¬ï°©
thanks, i dont think buying the book and then giving it to my doctor is gonna work, they already seem chapped when you ask them to do this and to do that , if i give hima book hes gonna flip, im tellin ya ll they could care less around this area of the country, everyone says there is nothing wrong with me but i feel like crap almost all of the time, it comes and goes. it is so freakin weird to explain.
i was almost bed ridden for a while but made it through it, i even asked one doctor about this and he about laughed me out of the office. this is so unreal, i fear cancer also but the way this feels i just dont see it being cancer yet.
one of my main issues that began with this was blood in the stool a while ago i typed in dental amalgam+blood in stool in google and boom lol there was a link for this, ( ) with several others, i was astonished. i could not beleive it. i have had several blood tests done, but CBC tests, i know this would not show cancer but i was told regardless if it was cancer, it would show a abnormality in the red and white blood cells if it was cancerous, is that true or what ? i know they wreek havoc on your white blood cells cause the cancer killer cells are trying to fight it but with this it wouldnt show at all correct ?
also be careful yall when you tell a dentist you want ceramic, this is what i did and when it wore down, hmmm there is that tell tale silver underneath it, aint cool seems like they are trying to hide this stuff now even.