been there done that
Congratulations and God bless you, 2dreem. All of my life, I have noticed that many unbelievers put to shame those who embrace the institutions, texts and rules of man's religions. God is the origin of natural man. Since I am a Christian (for 20 years) that has been "around the block", so to speak, and suffered much adversity (suicidal
Depression for 51 years), I can show you another side of God that few will allow themselves to see because they confine God to a book.
The earthly parents of the human race (Adam and Eve) did not eat of the tree of good and evil, they ate of the tree of the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil (the tree of CONSCIENCE). We all inherited the ability to develop a conscience by understanding, as we grow up, the difference between right and wrong (good and evil). That is why we can be held accountable for our deeds. Bible scripture tells us that we will have to BE ABLE to stand before God with a CLEAR conscience.
If each person is able to stand before God and give an "honest to goodness" just reason why they did what they did, as long as they ALSO accepted The Son (Jesus) of God's act of purifying their soul, they will be given entrance into heaven. Jesus purified our souls ONLY, but left God's spirit (Holy Spirit)to teach us the proper ways to love and care for our fellow human being (according to one's own conscience).
Adam and Eve did not commit "ORIGINAL" sin (there is no such thing), they were the first members of the human race to commit sin, what is called "the flesh" (sin spirit of humanity) chose the word "original" to suggest that "original sin" is still in effect and must be accounted for (one of satan's lies). Adam and Eve committed INITIAL sin. We are INITIALLY accountable to CONSCIENCE (what you call the god within) and ULTIMATELY accountable to God. Well done 2dreem.
I BELIEVE (my opinion) that all of the people who never had a decent opportunity to discover the truth of God or His rules of perfection (Ten Commandments, if you want to be perfect, follow them 100% completely, you will find that you are a complete failure and that you need JESUS) will recieve a final chance to recieve God's grace (ONLY them) and also answer for their conscience and how they treated others with LOVE.