has anyone heard of hyperactivity occurring in children when cleansing for parasites?
can kids take l-orthinine [as dr. clark recommends in her book as help for insomnia during cleansing] to calm them down and help them sleep?
Yes, my older child age 8 and my friends children (age 8 with ADHD) got very hyper with the parasite cleanse, it lasted a few days. His bum also itched a lot.
I didn't give him anything, we just let it ride.
Also, I got very hyper inside with my first parasite cleanse.
thanks for the reply. that is interesting.... my son is still hyper after doing a parasite cleanse over a month ago [which actually didn't work]. we had to resort to some prescription medicine, which appears to have worked, but the hyperactivity is still there. i wonder if that means there are more parasites still there???