Ok, well the less paranoid version is this:
Fluoride is a poison, plain and simple. It is not a nutrient.
The reason that it acts on the teeth to prevent cavities is that it kills enzymes in the mouth that cause the food to be broken down to an acid that eats the teeth (causing cavities). Good flossing and brushing habits (with fluoride free toothpaste available for babies on the supermarket shelf or children's toothpaste by Burts' Bees) good habits will also prevent cavities without introducing this toxic poison into your child's body.
Fluoride in the water has absolutely NO scientific basis in fact for good health - in fact, the majority of studies confirm that it is extremely harmful when ingested. In the body fluoride seeks to bind with calcium - this is why when the dentist gives your child 'fluoride supplements' the instructions tell you not to take it with calcium or dairy products - because the fluoride will bind to the added calcium and be expelled from the body. Instead, the fluoride seeks to bind with calcium in bones and teeth changing itself into CALCIUM FLUORIDE which is not readily usable by bones and teeth. It weakens the structure of teeth and bones, making them brittle and pitted - look at the pictures in the gallery on this site. The mottled pitted teeth are called dental fluorosis - or FLUORIDE POISONING if you want to cut out the warm and fuzzies - and only children are susceptible to this because the adult teeth absorb the ingested fluoride BEFORE they erupt - under the gumline - the damage is permanent and only extensive dental work can correct it. The damage you don't see, damage to bones, brain damage, damage to the organs and systems of the body that all use enzymes to do their daily thing - think of
Antibiotics that indiscriminately kill bacteria, beneficial and harmful... this is the same effect fluoride has on the body's enzymes - it kills them all, not just the ones in the mouth that make cavities.
Furthermore, the ADA calls dental fluorosis a "COSMETIC DEFECT" - Thanks a lot ADA, when they call it cosmetic, most insurance companies will not cover the costs of dental fluorosis repair, and as you can see by the pictures on the gallery in this site, dental fluorosis can be pretty ugly.
My daughter is 7 years old, I let her brush with fluoridated toothpaste (not knowing the difference) until she was 5 years old. The water in our community is not fluoridated and she never had fluoride supplements from the dentist - I just let her brush her teeth. She has 5 adult teeth, and all of them show signs of mild dental fluorosis... just from the toothpaste she swallowed. Imagine what a child living in a fluoridated community, brushing with Crest toothpaste, taking a fluoride supplement from the dentist... imagine what that poor kids teeth are going to look like! Imagine the damage to the bones that you DON'T SEE.
I don't know about you but I can think of 100 better ways to protect my kids teeth! Like limiting
Sugar intake, limiting soda pop drinking, good flossing and brushing habits, and drinking lots of water. Taking fluoride is like using a nuclear weapon to kill a roach!