Hello Ana,
Here is the important health information you requested .
Just what are enzymes anyway? If you are like I used to be,
your information may be scanty at this point. Even though I
have taken various enzyme formulas over the last couple of
years (for indigestion mostly) and have even worked as a
wellness counselor, I did not grasp the importance of these
little miracle workers or understand the many reasons why
supplementation might be necessary. Then, about a year ago
when I learned about "enzyme therapy" through the work
of Health Nutrition and Enzyme Specialist Bill Didier, and it
really opened my eyes.
Since that time, I have discovered that the right enzyme
formulation can do more to help the body heal than any
other single supplement I've ever tried. So, it is with joy,
and even passion that I present:
Enzyme Tour #1: Introduction
Enzymes are protein molecules that are manufactured
by all plant and animal cells. All cells require enzymes to
survive and function.
Enzymes are catalysts, which means that they make
chemical reactions go faster, but are not changed by
the reaction. For example, digestive enzymes cause
food that we eat to be broken down much faster than
would occur without them, but they are not broken
down in the reaction they are speeding up.
Research has shown that people who have a chronic
disease, or have low energy levels also have lower
enzyme content in their blood, urine, and tissues. While
there is clearly a direct relationship between disease
states and a person's enzyme levels, only recently has
the NATURE of that relationship been better understood.
In fact, which is the cause and which is the effect?
Researchers began to question if a person's enzyme levels
were low because they were sick or were they sick because
their enzyme levels were low. The researchers found something
As a result, the "Old Concept" has recently been replaced
by a "New Concept".
~~Old Concept~~
I am sick. Therefore, my enzyme levels are low.
~~New Concept~~
My enzyme levels are low. Therefore, I am sick
A person does not have a low enzyme content because
he/she is sick or aged, but instead, the reason a person
may be sick or aged is because of low enzyme content.
Why Enzymes Are Important
Enzymes are one of the most essential elements in your life.
Enzymes are more important than the air you breath, the
water you drink, and the food you eat. Why is this? Enzymes
are required for your body to function properly; really to function
at all. Without enzymes you wouldn't be able to breath, swallow,
drink, eat, nor digest your food. To do all of these things you need
assistance to help do the work for you. You must have enzymes to
help perform these tasks. Enzymes are an absolute necessity to live.
Enzymes are our body's workers. They are responsible for constructing,
synthesizing, carry ing, dispensing, delivering, and eliminating the many
ingredients and chemicals our body uses in its daily business of living.
Your body makes enzymes. When you were young, you had an
abundant supply of enzymes. You felt great. Your energy level
seemed never ending. In effect you had "enzymes to burn," all that
was required to keep you running at tiptop efficiency.
As time goes by, you S L O W L Y begin to lose this efficiency.
For years you don't even notice that you can't do what you think
you can do. Less able to eat the spicy foods you love; less able to
recover as quickly from the aches and pains of weekend sports or
even just daily living; reduced stamina. This reduced vitality signals
a weakened and compromised body.
You aren't getting "OLD", you're just running out of the enzymes you
need to fuel your life. The process of depleting your enzymes is a
slow one, and most likely, if you are over 40, you didn't notice
your energy and vitality disappearing until one day something you
once loved to do was suddenly too much work. You aren't getting too
old to enjoy life, you are running our of enzymes that would ensure
you the energy you need to enjoy life. What you may have always
thought was the inevitable process of aging is neither necessary nor
inevitable. You simply need to restore your enzyme potential.
The reason why we are running out of enzymes is a LIFESTYLE PROBLEM.
Our poor dietary habits, fast food obsessions, and excessive intake of
fat and sugars, all require excessive amounts of enzymes. Stress kills
and damages cells, resulting in our enzyme-making machinery having to
work overtime to help rebuild and replace them.
Environmental pollution causes continuous cellular insult and damage
requiring the ongoing assistance from enzymes just to maintain a
healthy immune system. And time is a big factor. Time and the process
of living uses up enzymes that must be replaced if we expect to retain
the healthy active life style we have grown accustomed to. Every one of
these factors diminishes our body's capacity to act, to do, to feel the
way we want to feel; and, as many reputable scientists will
tell you, can even shorten your life.
ENZYMES are ESSENTIAL. They are so essential that without enzymes
you will die. In fact many researchers now view the aging process and
death itself as nothing more than an enzyme potential which has
decreased to a level where the living organism can no longer be
r epaired and maintained in its existing environment.
We can slow down this trend by fortifying our body with supplemental
digestive enzymes. We can help reverse this inevitable downward spiral
in our body's efficiency; a spiral created by a growing shortage of
available enzymes.
If you want to learn more about the important and necessary role
digestive enzymes play in your long-term health then stick with us:
We will show you how supplemental digestive enzymes can help restore the
vitality you thought you could never regain.
We will show you, through research and clinical case experience, why
many researchers today believe that most illness, pain, and suffering is
initially the result of a digestive malfunction.
We will show how a low ENZYME POTENTIAL is the culprit.
And we will show you what you c an do to change this trend.
Make no mistake, this is a trend that occurs in both young and old.
If you happen to be younger and are not yet feeling the decline, that
does not mean that spiral has not begun.
The trend is certain;
is dropping.
But, the re is much you can do about this. The sooner you start, the
quicker you begin to restore and extend the vitality you remember
you once had. If you still think you have it, you might be surprised
what you have ever so slowly lost without knowing it, until you get
it back. And, if you're young enough not yet to have lost it, then
here's a way to keep it.
Supplemental digestive enzymes are win-win for all ages. The research is
clear and the case studies are indisputable.
To begin to better understand digestive enzymes, we must first
understand the role of NUTRITION in our health.
Tour 1 Summary:
Researchers once thought that your enzyme levels were low just because
you were sick. Now they realize that the reason you might be sick is
your enzyme levels are low.
Enzymes are our bod y's workers, nothing in our body works without them.
As we age, are subjected to environmental insults, eat excessively
sweet and fatty foods, and stay in a generally high stress condition,
our body can't make enough enzymes to continue to service our digestive
and immune system needs. The result is we begin to encounter digestive
disorders and chronic and lifestyle diseases.
We can slow this problem by taking supplemental digestive enzymes.
Tour #2 begins tomorrow and will cover enzyme nutrition. See you then!
PS: This information is excerpted from a much larger site of
information, courtesy of the company from which I get my own
enzyme supplements. It is shared for educational purposes only.
Even though I will continue to send you more reports, you may go to
my web site for even more information on these superior
enzyme formulas:
Here to help,
David Simmons