I see. Care to explain a little instead of hurling abuse - references, evidence, et cetera? You may read my post again and note that I was not claiming anything, merely attempting to promote discussion around one specific cancer theory.
Having read a vast number of probable causes and disease definitions I find it somewhat foolish to presume all cancers are caused by the very same deficiency or failure. I am not saying you are wrong, merely that I find it unwise to state that certain diseases all have one common cause instead of viewing each individual case (in this instance the great array of cancers that exist) on its own and analysing each case separately. As a crude example; if all cancers stem from pancreatic failure then reversal of ALL cancers must result from a resurgent pancreas? Please correct me if I am wrong, or if I have misinterpreted you, but that sounds incredibly simple and somewhat hopeful to say the least. Personally, I thought that reversal of cancer resulted from an all-body clear-out along with a healthy, nutrient and enzyme-rich diet...
Anyway, no arguments please...intelligent, adult discussion benefits us all.