Hi people,
this is my first time on cure zone, so far so good!!!!
my question or message is i was wondering whether any of you have experienced or know anyone who has experienced testicular cancer and infertility as a result???
my husband 25 was diagnosed with testicular cancer after going to the doctors for infertility problems. we had been trying for a baby for about 7months and nothing was happening. after several sperm tests were conducted, doctors could find no sperm count and did not understand why. after being referred to an infertility speacialist it was revealed my husband had testicular cancer and needed to remove one of his testicles immediately. we thought that the cancer was why he was not producing sperm and this was confirmed by the doctors.
he has radiotherapy and has since had more sperm count tests, which continue to show zero count.
It has been now 11months since his surgery and still no sperm.
does anyone now any information or can offer any advice. we really want to have a baby and sperm donor is not an option for us due to religious reasons.
any information or advice would be greatly appreciated.