To: gallstones@yahoogroups.com
From: Rachd1961@aol.com
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 22:58:01 EDT
Subject: Re: [gallstones] Re: cold liquids & Tip for the Day
Hi Stu - welcome :)
I guess nobody mentioned to you that as a member of this group you're
required to read all 10,000 message in the archives before posting. :)
(please don't anyone take me seriously - I am, of course, totally kidding).
I started drinking lemon water (warm, not hot) in the mornings a couple of
months ago and now it has become an ingrained habit. I've read that it's
good in so many different ways and now I just enjoy it as a part of my
morning routine.
Interesting about sleeping on the left side. I almost always sleep on my
left side. I doubt that I could even get to sleep on my right side. :)
Interesting info, though.
So how about an intro, Stu? What's your story? What brought you to this
great little group? :)
in health,