Let me tell you my toenail fungus story.
My daughter is 19 and has had toenail fungus since she was a baby. Doctors gave her creams, etc. but nothing helped. We refused the pills by mouth because we didn't want the drugs going through her liver.
About 2 months ago she had a bad case of bronchitis and a person I buy herbs from recommended a natural procedure for removing the mucus from her lungs. Well, low and behold a side affect of this procedure cleared up her toenail fungus. This was a most pleasant benefit and we are so happy about this.
Here is what she told me to do for the brochitis, which did work for removing the mucus; but also cleared the toenail fungus:
Grind about 12-15 large cloves of garlic in the blender. Try to pulverize them as much as possible. Mix the garlic with vaseline (not medicated kind), making a yucky paste. Oh boy, does it smell! Anyway, when going to bed at night, spread more plain vaseline on the soles of the feet. Not going up the sides or the heal. Then put this garlic spread that was previously mixed, on the vaseline that you spread on the soles or the feet. Then completely wrap the feet with saran wrap and put on socks. Don't put any garlic mixure on the sides or heals of the feet. I'm told that the mixture is too "hot" for other areas. ALSO, DO NOT WALK ON THIS MIXTURE. I guess if you need to get up for bathroom trips during the night, you should crawl on the floor. This person told me that if you walk on this mixture it will burn the feet. Well, my daughter stayed in bed for about 9 hours and I slept in her room to make sure she didn't get up and forget she had this mixture on her feet and decide to walk to the bathroom. She didn't, and slept all night. When taking the saran wrap off in the morning, unbelievably the garlic mixture was green from toxins that had been pulled from her body during the night. I wiped the mixture off and this is when I discovered that her toe nail fungus was gone for the first time in her life! Her bronchitis was a couple days getting well, but a lot of mucus was pulled out during that night. The fungus has not come back after several months now. Of course she needed to shower well and the entire house smelled of garlic for days! But, a small price to pay for the healing she enjoyed.
Hope this gives you an idea of what to try. It may not work for you, but it did work for her and we're all happier for the experience.
God Bless and hope you find healing too.