Does anyone know how long I have to be on the
parasite cleanse before doing the liver cleanse? I was previously on a Dr. J's program. I do not know if you know of her program. but her herbs contained a lot of the same ingredients. So I might of kill many
parasites already enough to do the liver cleanse but fear of my body maybe not eliminating enough of them. Honestly do not even know if I have parasistes cause a doctor did a blood and stool test and did not identify any. Dr J says we constantly have them in our bodies and it is when we have too many that is when we feel ill. I am battling with too much mercury in my I feel aching and fatigued. I also have candida problem too......which I hear is manifested from the mercury...and I hear it can also lead to a vunerability in getting parasites. Can anyone offer advice. I would greatly apprceciate it. Does anyone know where I can send a question to Dr. Clark herself for advice too?
Thank you,