Your symptoms are probably linked together by a single issue that has escalated and grow like a snowball.
You are most likely to have dysbioisis in the gut, meaning overgrowth of organisms like bad bacteria, candida,
parasites etc. There are many ways of getting dysbiosis like wrong diet (processed food, poor in probiotics),
Antibiotics use, antiacids/acid blockers usage, blocked bile flow. Your symptoms are all characteristics of dysbiosis.
First, I would strongly recommend you look deeper into whether you actually have acid reflux; many people with LOW stomach acid (a very common condition) actually think they have acid reflux due to similar symptoms. The issue with low stomach acid is that allows bacteria and other organisms to thrive in the stomach and gut, as acid is used for sterilization. Stomach acid is also used to digest the food you eat, so having low acid will lead to maldigestion. The partially digested food will be used by the bad organisms for food sources. It is also possible that your valve in the esophagus might be functioning improperly and allowing digestive juices to come up (and not excess acid like a doctor will say). If you are taking prescriptions for antacids be aware of potential risks, specially if it was misdiagnosed. I seriously think that probably 90% or more of acid reflux cases are actually valve issues and/or low stomach acid.
There are plenty of colon cleansers out there without cayenne pepper, like
Oxypowder or fiber type cleansers like Blessed Herbs. A good
Colon Cleanse will be a good start to get rid of some of the extra passengers you carry around, however, you must get to the root of the problem – there maybe something that you did which allowed dysbiosis to settle, so look at any previous
Antibiotics usage, etc. By making sure you don’t have blocked bile flow (liver flush), having good level of stomach acids and enzymes (both might have to be supplemented for a while) you may be able to get rid of some symptoms. Also start eating fermented foods or supply probiotics other ways as these can displace unwanted organisms.
If dysbiosis is deep rooted in your it’s possible you may need a fast or liquid diet to starve the organisms and get aggressive with naturals antibiotic/antifungals like oregano oil, grapefruitseed extract, olive leaf, or silver supplements. But you may start by fixing your digestion and cleaning out the waste.