I'm about out the door now... yeesh! not looking forward to this!
Oh yes, now I remember, you had some normal TSH! well, maybe 3-5 range is NOT normal for you? Or you're very low in Zinc, which mirrors low metabolism.
Meta (=whole)-bolism is defined as:
"Metabolism is the sum of all the chemical and physical changes that take place within the body and enable its continued growth and functioning. Metabolism involves the breakdown of complex organic constituents of the body with the liberation of energy, which is required for other processes, and the building up of complex substances, which form the material of the tissues and organs."
So you can see a slow metabolism is serious! Hormones are the agents that cause metabolic changes to happen. They're the instigators. Without them, things just don't happen. The message to burn fuel, build bones or cells, just don't get passed to the proper agents. Hormones are made up of proteins plus a mineral such as zinc or magnesium.
Okay, I'm off!