Hi SHelley,
I hope you had a fun Haloween weekend nad now everyone is on their way to recovery from the weekend : )
I have a couple of questions- some concern me and some are about a friend of mine.
I have a friend who has numerous problems- a lot of them with her hormones and metabolism. Her body temperature regularly falls to 35.5 C , and that scared me when I first heard it! She told me that she went to the hospital, they did tests on her and basically told her that they don;t want want to do chemical therapy because her metabolism and hormonal levels are really unstable and on the boundary of hte normal..which i htink would mean they are not very normal at all,..and she knows it too!
Basically, hte whole thing started a few years ago- 5-7 I think, when she became anorexic and they treated her hormonally. After that she had taken oral contraceptives for a while, and I'm not sure but I think she is still taking them now becasue her homrmonal levels are disbalanced ...
She has digestive problems, suffers from constipation regularly, and i don;t know how that happens since she runs 5 miles every morning! She watches the calories she eats because she is afraid it will go above the maximum for her metabolic rate, adn she ends up eating not more than some fruit and cofee during the day, cereal and cottage cheese at night!
I noticed that she doesn;t eat salads, and what turned out is that vegetables and fruit cause sharp pain in her stomach- hte doctors told her it was becasue the lining of her intestine has atrophied in a sense...
I know this information is only a glimpse o hte picture- I don;t know that many deatails about her treatments...but I think there ahs to be some way to help her! She is such a compassionate and loving person..and she can push herself so hard!
What do you recommend? Is there a professional that is really good and will be able to help her?
THank you so much for your advice ..ANYONE IS WELCOME TO SHARE THEIR ADVICE!!!!
p.s. iknow this information about her becasue we started living together and from what she has told me.