Hi Shelley :)
Have you heard of the 'chi machine' or Sun Ancon aerobic machine? I had a go on one's kind of lie down and rest your ankles on it and it moves them quickly from side to side via a motor. It was designed by a Japanese man and is based on how fish swim!
It did seem to raise my energy levels and lead to more mental clarity (more than rebounding and skin brushing) and also led to a bit of a healing crisis. It's supposed to increase oxygen levels in the body, improve circulation and improve lymphatic drainage and helps with various other health problems sciatica, arthritis, lymphodaema and venus oedema so good for people with cancer apparently. Anyway, I'm trying to get as much info as possible about them before investing in one as they're quite expensive (about £300 or $500). Do you know anything about them like, if they're a total waste of money?!!
Thanks as always!