OK, I finally tried an enema, it was so easy! I have been taking the plantery formula liver clease for about a month, along with daily P&B shakes, lecithin, and occasional carrot, beet, parsley, apple, ginger juices (like,12oz 3X a week). Two weeks ago I was feeling somewhat toxic, so I just did a liver flush. I did a swf in the morning. I released lots of mushy stones covered with sludge. Latter that day I still felt quite toxic, so I drove 5 minuts to the drug store to buy an enema set up and when I was finished I felt much better. I released more mushy stones and sludge. Honestly, finding the enama section in the store was the most difficult part of the enema! I feel like I've opened a new door for health improvement options! I got the fountain type, so I took in the whole containce of the bag then added another
quart. That was like 3 quarts! I felt like I could have taken more! Is that normal? So, here is my question. How often should I do an enema? My bowels are strong, I have great regular bms. I really don't "feel" like I need another one. I'm a little afraid if I do too many I might "goof up" my regular bowel action. I did already read the enema FAQ&A you posted. I'm looking for a maintanance type thing. Do I even need regular enemas? How many is too many? Thanks in advance!