My experience with Dr. Kessler went like this. 1st visit - complete oral exam, we looked at digital exrays, scraped my gumline and looked at it under the microscope, and talked about my diet. Then she gave me recommendations. I had 6 amalgams, and a crown. Dr. Kessler gave me three different options for the crowns, and we decided on which was the best, and six 'composite' replacements.
2nd visit was a cleaning, all herbal, all holistic, concentrating on oral heal not just tooth health. Then the 3rd and 4th visits were drilling out the
Amalgams and setting my 'crown'
She submitted all my stuff to the insurance people and got back all the estimates. Some were to high for me, so she resubmitted and resubmitted until the best coverage was obtained. In a nutshell, I have Aetna Dental and i paid $800 out of pocket for the whole deal. It's a lot but well worth the investment when you consider what you're avoid down the road. I think the total bill w/o insurance was $2100, but remember $1200 of that was that 'crown' and that included the exam and the cleaning.
I've read about proper procedures for
Amalgam removal and she followed them to the 'T'. Hi-evacuation suction, alt air supply, all of it. She gave me supplements for mercury detox (although I decided on doing a fast for detox)
I guess you're probably worried about the pain too. It wasn't too bad really. A couple of teeth were sensative for 2 1/2 weeks or so, but that was it. She uses novacaine, but only in place where you will need it.
Did i mention that she's on the 69th floor of the Chrystler building? The view is incredible.
Like I said before, I have no afiliation with Dr. Kessler. She's just great. Is about 28, still excited about what she's doing, and hasn't filled up her client list, but she will.
After saying all this, I can honestly say I'm glad that they are out, but I haven't felt a noticable difference in my health.
Hope this helps,