It has been two week of zapping daily. The recommending zapping period is 7 minutes on, 21 off, 7 on, 21 off, 7 on.
I like zapping as soon as I begin to wake up. I connect the wrist straps and lay back in bed where I relax and meditate.
I concentrate on the electrical pulses surging throughout my body. Some days I feel nothing, at other times I feel the tingling sensation.
I alternate the straps each day: On my both wrists on one day; on my right ankle and left wrist the next day; on my left ankle and right wrist the following day; both ankles the next day; and so forth.
The first day I got a terrible headache. The next zapping days seemed uneventful, until the most important event happened to me. I discovered ZAPPING WAS DOING ME MORE HARM THAN GOOD.
I will explain how I came to know this.
I am planning to buy a colloidial silver maker. This is an electrical device with two leads coming from the device on one end and connected to two pieces of very pure silver on the other end. The two pure silver rods are placed inside pure distilled water. The current is turned on. At that point, microscopic particles of silver come off of the rods trying to get to the other rod. The silver particles are suspended in the liquid and are too fine to filter out.
Now you have colloidial silver.
Back to zapping, I was zapping one morning with the straps connected to each ankle. While I was zapping, I felt the electrical flow going past my knees up my thighs.
On the last 7 minute zap, I felt a light electrical tingling sensation in my mouth on my tongue. I have 8
Amalgams and one crown. There was no denying the bad metal taste in my mouth. The zapper was creating a toxic "colloidial mercury" in my mouth! I stopped immedialtely upon realizing this.
When I removed the straps, I got up and walked around. My middle toe was numb! This is a symtom of lead and mercury poisoning! The numbness receded in a couple of hours, but the sluggishness and lack of energy did not.
My throat is still sore and red. My tonsils are larger than normal. But I have noticed that my tonsils have been larger than normal for over a year. I realized then that the mercury and other metal associated with it have been slowly poisoning me over time.
The zapper intensifies and speeds up the electrolysis process between each tooth filled with amalgam.
I have been a human guinea pig. No where in any of Dr. Clark's books or any where else have I read about this danger.
Until all
Amalgams and any metals have been removed from the body, will I feel it is safe to zap. The toxicity of mercury is so well known. Fortunately, after removing the
Amalgams there is a method through oral or intrevenous chelation therapy to remove the mercury poisons from the body.
I believe zapping does kill
parasites and bacteria. Dr. Clark has had tremendous success. She also strongly recommends removing amalgams.
Until my dental work is redone properly, I will not zap.
I am sharing this information with everyone so that perhaps you can prevent further damage to yourself from amalgams.
Cutie Pie