Hi Shelley, it is me again! I am the one who has been doing
colon hydrotherapy for over a year and liver flushing--11 in
the last 8 months. I am very exhausted now and cannot
figure out what is wrong. I have been Hyper Thyroid for many
years and used to take extra copper and iron for that and it
was helpful. I had a hair mineral analysis done a month ago
and it showed that my iron and manganese had dropped very
low--perhaps from
Liver Flushing and/or coffee enemas. I have been taking larg amounts of iron and some manganese and still feel awful. Wonder if I should not take manganese because of Hyper Thyroid or if my B vitamins are imbalanced. I have taken extra B 2 following results of Organic acid test to help with carbohydrate metabolism. I have been to many alternative practitioners and they have not correctly identified the problem. I was full of tape worms and round worms and I know that they eat iron and B vitamins. I just started on Fungal Defense this week hoping for help from this brain fog and exhaustion. I jump on mini tramp and use sauna once or twice a week--but energy is so low now, I have not done it much. It does
not help. I thought it might be adrenal exhaustion but I have
no respiratory infections, no sore throats, just horrible exhaustion after waking up in A.M. sleeping all night (just
getting up to bathroom a few times for chronic bladder inflammation problem)and exhausted and confused all the time,
memory loss. I have slowed down on
Liver Flushing until
I figure out what is out of balance. I have horizontal
ridge on both thumbs and have had for several years, right
temporal area pain, which my Lepore's herbal book says is
low iron, but I take it and it does not always go away. I
am on a very strick anti-candida diet following your guide
lines on diet. I wonder if egg allergy could be keeping me
down. A year ago I had a IGg allergy test done and I was
allergic to eggs and many other things in addition to all
the things I already was off of. I am eating lots of butter,
olive oil, 2 fish oil, 2 Black currant seed oil a day and
digestive enzymes. Your suggestions are much appreciated.