She probably did the pack without doing anything else, which would not help at all, nope. You cannot dump cellulite unless you lose weight and detox. The castor oil pack just facilitates the process of switching out bad stuff for good. You still have to encourage the dumping of bad and give the body good stuff to work with. :)
Cellulite is caused by toxins that have no place else to go because of a congested liver; constipation; congested lymph; poor circulation overall; lack of exercise; low metabolism; and lack of alkaloids/electrolytes/minerals.
We have a LOT of space in between each cell. Fluids collect both within cells and in between cells. Along with the fluids are toxic wastes. These get trapped into patterns along with fat cells and soon you get cellulite.
Dry brushing, castor oil packs, detox baths, rebounding, dieting, bowel and liver cleansing; fresh-squeezed veggie juices; and avoiding acidic foods can greatly reduce and even eliminate cellulite.
the only topical treatments that I've heard of that actually work contain Cola Vera extract and Fucus Vesiculosis. I don't know of any currently being sold that have these, but a search might find some. :)