Chemistry, candida, congested liver, can have a lot to do with being, well, out of sorts, irrational, obsessive, irritable, but I tend to think that the manner in which it manifests depends on the person and their personality/psyche. Do you see what I mean?
Like, if you're really off balance thanks to being ill and deficient, that could make you cave more if you're generally an introvert anyways, or get out and about more if you're more of an extrovert. What we do depends on which "buttons" are still there needing to be resolved, our unresolved issues, invalidated shadow selves.
We know that emotions cause illness; the IDEA behind the emotion decides where/how the illness will manifest. For instance, any problem having to do with balance be it vertigo or sore low back could have to do with issues/fears about one's base in life- how solid your structure/safety nets are. How grounded you are.
The worst part of candida for me was the anger/irritability resulting from the constant brain fog and liver congestion and leaky gut. I couldn't rest or be peaceful. People say health is the most important thing in the world, and you can't hardly argue with that until you realize that mental health is even more important than physical. I can have a peaceful state of mind even if I'm not in the best of physical health, and that still means a high quality of life. Lack of peace of mind, well, that is NOT a high quality life! And that's why I tried each and every thing out there to diagnose the problem properly and solve the irritability, even when it meant doing enemas nearly every day to keep my leaky colon clean! :)