Hi Robin! :)
Okay, you have a major toxic system and some severe allergies to bad foods. That means you have to take a very systemic, whole-body approach to getting better. Supplements alone just won't do it! What I would do if I were you is:
1. Switch to an anti-candida diet with only whole foods prepared properly for good digestion. NO sugars, including most fruits and some veggies. No refined flour. Lots of seafood but avoid tuna and fish that are high in mercury, healthy fats (coconut, flax, olive oil, butter), organ meats from pasture-grazed cattle and free-range poultry and eggs. Extra-virgin Coconut oil is especially good for the lymphs/immune system.
This is a pretty good list, except they recommend Tofu which I do not:
Prepare and eat foods so that they are easily digested - see the Power of Digestion notes in the FAQ here on this page, it is the KEY to maintaining vital health.
2. Do extensive bowel management. Easiest way would probably be Colonix from DrNatura.com but it would be a great idea to get your own enema bucket setup, as candida leads to leaky gut and the best wayt o heal this is to keep the colon clean and flushed.
3. Extensive lymph management including detox baths, dry brushing, rebounding, shoulder stands (see lymph notes), and rehydrate the body properly with the rehydrate drink.
4. At least 1 bottle of liver herbs if not 2, and 2 flushes if not more. (see liver notes in FAQ)
5. Only drink reverse-osmosis filtered water, preferably wtih the good trace minerals added back in. Drink fluids as tea, broth, and Cleansing Drink (see FAQ) or plain water, and only in-between meals, never with meals. Can drink cleansing drink 15-30 minutes prior to meals to aid digestion.
6. Read the "Healing Crisis" post in the FAQ so you understand better what's going on with you. :)
Hope that helps! :)