Hey shelley!
I spoke to my naturopath who does my
colonics and told her about my symptoms of anxiety, dizziness and fatigue, which seem to worsen after my colonics. She suggested that I might have
parasites and offered to do a test called live blood cell analysis.
At first I was skeptical because I spoke to my father about it (who is a microbiologist) and he said it was bung (but he didn't think much about
colonics either). I've never listened to him before, so I figured why start now?
After the test, she said that I have a very toxic bowel (which I already knew because of an x-ray I had at the doctors showing a severe blockage in my colon). I also have two types of
parasites and she detected chlymidia and strepp bacteria. This kind of blew me away because I had chronic strepp throat for most of my life and have taken massive doses of
Antibiotics for it and I contracted chlymidia while sewing my wild oats, when I was young and stupid! By the way, I told her nothing about these health conditions before the test, so there is no way she could have known.
She put me on an anti-parasitic program called Clearstart and Noni extract. Now I feel like I have a full on flu!
What are your thoughts on live blood cell analysis and do you think that judging from the way I feel, is it
parasite die off?
Thanks as always! James =:)