> My mother is 78 and has just started a
parasite cleanse. She wants to do
Hulda Clark 's epson salt and grapefruit juice gall bladder cleanse when she finishes but she is on high blood pressure medication and is leary of doing it. One of her friends, who I might add, is not a doctor, told her the grapefruit juice is not good for her high blood pressure. Is there anything to that?
No. Grapefruit juice is very good for people with high blood pressure.
But, if there is any conflict with medications thta she is using, she can substitute with lemon juice instead of grapefruit juice.
It is always better to keep blood pressure low by natural means, and then to do liver cleanse.
Balanced diet,
Water Cure , salt cure,
Lemonade Diet , garlic, onion, juice fasting, physical activity, ... can be of tremendous help in normalizing blood pressure.
Have she done
parasites cleanse?
Herbs used in
parasites clenase also help normalize blood pressure!
Most fruit and vegetable helps normalize blood pressure .
Processed foods, alcohol,
Sugar ... may worsen situation.
Clean Water (water cure) helps normalize blood pressure .
Not using refined salt, and using unrefined helps helps normalize blood pressure .
Liver cleanse helps normalize blood pressure .
Read about blood pressure on this web site.
Epsom Salt helps normalize blood pressure for most people.
She should take 1 teasp of
Epsom Salt with freshly pressed grapefruit juice, daily, and she may not need medications.
Read also Liver Cleanse FAQ (Forum 73)