Rainbow Green live Food Cuisine is good!
Obviously, I will always recomment Alissa Cohen's Living On Live Food
and Brian Clements - Living Foods For optimal Health
Sunfood Diet Success system is pretty involved, but that goes way into the balancing of diets (per David Wolfe, who is a big student of Cousens). Conscious Eating is totally in-depth too. I don't do as well with those. You can listen to your body, too!!! Some will say a proper balance is soo much fruit, others will say only a small amount of fruit. So, you will never find "it", just people's opinions and what works for you. But there is so much good info and it is important to read as much as you can.
Eating for Beauty is great.
Baby Greens I've never heard of
HEY, ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS EVER, and not even on raw, IS FIT FOR LIFE and FIT FOR LIFE 2: LIVING HEALTH. A wealth of information, and written so entertainingly!!!