Recently I have made a great discovery that has really made a difference in my skin rashes and digestion..
I eat my protein with fats (I use oil). For some of you probably always eat fat with protein but since I am (was?) allergic to oil my diet didnt include any extra oils/fats than was found naturally the foods.
I am taking a mixture borage, grapeseed, soybean, and coconut oil with my protein meal (lunch, chicken breast) and so far have not had any "allergic" reactions like I would normally have, and my loose stools and indigestion has significantly improved, much like the result I get when I take HCL-darker more bulky healthy looking stools. For the first time in years I finally feel like I am absorbing my fats, the first day I tried this I got a die off headache that lasted over a day. (I usually only get headaches from antifungals). And this is only a small amount of oil that I am taking only a half a teaspoon of the combined oils I listed! (I'm working my way up as my reactions to oils was pretty intolerable even in tiny amounts). When I took this amount of oil while not in combo with protein my candida symptoms would flare like crazy. I have since discovered that a lot of fungus really flurish/grow in the presence of oil, olive oil is often used to grow fungus on agar plates. I can confirm that olive oil makes my fungus bloom pretty good. I dont know why the combo of oil and protein does not cause a flare, except to note that Dr. Budwig (read below) states that oil+protein causes oxygenation in the body.
What I find most interesting is that I used to be very sensitive to sulfur bearing supplements and since combining my fats with my protein I have not had any problems (at least with the ones I have tried thus far). I hope my improvements continue.
I thought this might help those who have restricted their diets and who may not be getting oil and protein in combination.
Here's the info on Dr. Budwig and the oil/protein connection, plus you can find a ton of more info online.
Dr. Budwig’s research demonstrated the vital role played by
essential fatty acids (EFAs) in maintaining healthy cellular respiration, and how the unhealthy,
unnatural fatty acids found in commercially available fats and oils inhibit cellular respiration,
leading to myriad diseases. In addition, she discovered that by using a unique oil-protein
combination, rich in EFAs (linoleic acid and linolenic acid) and sulphur-bearing amino acids, the
symptoms of many diseases disappear.
The importance of linking oil with protein in the diet has for the most part been overlooked by
modern science. But the evidence showing this interdependence goes back to the 1800’s.
Scientists, such as Liebig, Pfuegger and Hoppe-Seyler, independently demonstrated the
connection between oil and protein in nutrition and the respiratory process. In 1888, Lebedow
showed that starved dogs die rapidly if given a high protein or high fat diet, but recover if given a
combination of “good” protein and “good” fat. (Coincidentally, in this experiment, the “good”
fat was flaxseed oil.)
Of course, at the time of these experiments, the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats
was unknown, as was the existence of the EFAs, linoleic and linolenic acid. But in 1930, Burr
and Burr discovered EFAs and showed that if animals have an EFA deficiency and receive a high
protein diet, they sicken and die rapidly.
Other researchers have uncovered a substantial amount of evidence that protein and oil, especially
sulphur-bearing protein and EFAs, belong together in the diet as they work hand-in-hand in the
body. EFAs and sulphur-rich proteins are always found together in especially active, healthy
Despite this evidence, researchers, including some Nobel Prize-winning scientists, were unable to
identify the active members of the oil-protein partnership, or the exact means by which they
acted. Increased specialization in research led scientists to develop a kind of “tunnel vision”:
protein scientists studied protein alone, oil scientists focused their attention on oils and fats to the
exclusion of all else.
Enter Dr. Johanna Budwig of Germany. Although her doctorate was in physics, she also had a
vast knowledge and understanding of chemistry, biochemistry, pharma-cology, and medicine.
This broad base of knowledge, coupled with her ability to conduct meticulous, painstaking
research, enabled her to break new ground in the understanding of the link between oils and
proteins. Breakthroughs made by Dr. Budwig included analysis techniques sensitive enough to
identify the fatty substances in a single drop of live blood.
While she served as State Expert for Chemical Research on Drugs and Fats for Dr. Kaufmann in
1949, Dr. Budwig realized that no analytical method existed to test fat metabolism in live blood.
Dr. Budwig utilized radioactive isotopes of
Iodine and cobalt to develop a technique with paper
chromatography that allowed her research team to directly observe how different fats are
metabolized in the body via live blood samples. She discovered that highly unsaturated fatty
acids are the decisive factor in respiratory enzyme function. This finding is arguably one of the
greatest breakthroughs in medicinal science: highly unsaturated fatty acids are the decisive factor
achieving the desired effect of cellular respiratory stimulation.
The importance of certain fatty acids became clear. She was the first scientist to realize the
physics behind the nature of polyunsaturated fat biochemistry. She was the first to be able to
analyze fat in living blood, thus opening the door to a vast new and important method around the
Using these techniques, Dr. Budwig systematically analyzed thousands of blood samples from
sick and healthy people. She found that the blood samples from many people with a variety of
health problems were characteristically deficient in two specific substances in their blood:
phosphatides (required for normal cell division) and albumin (a blood-producing lipoprotein).
They were also, without exception, deficient in one of the important EFAs (linoleic acid).
Without phosphatides to normalize cell division, cancer cells proliferate. Without albumin (a
combination of linoleic acid and sulphur-based protein), blood analysis showed the presence of
the yellow-green protein substance in place of healthy red oxygen-carrying hemoglobin. These
observations explain why cancer patients (for instance) are weak and anemic. Without linoleic
acid, the body is unable to produce hemoglobin; without hemoglobin, the blood is unable to carry
vital oxygen to suffocating cells and tissues. Energy production suffers; the cancer patient
becomes progressively more anemic, sinks into lethargy, and dies.
In contrast, the blood of healthy individuals contains sufficient quality protein and EFAs.
Progressing from these observations, Dr. Budwig reasoned that victims of fatty degeneration
could be restored to health via a diet rich in EFAs and sulphur-based proteins.
Using her knowledge of the inter-relationship of oil and protein, Dr. Budwig fed patients a
mixture of quark (German yogurt-cheese) made of skim-milk and fresh flaxseed oil. The skim-
milk quark protein is a rich source of sulphur-containing proteins, and flaxseed oil is the richest
natural source of EFAs. She then monitored the resulting changes in the patient’s blood.
Her findings were dramatic: the yellow-green protein substance slowly disappeared, to be
replaced by hemoglobin; phosphatide and albumin levels increased; tumors receded; anemia was
alleviated; vitality increased.
After making this breakthrough, Dr. Budwig continued to explore other aspects of the oil-protein
relationship. She discovered that the lipoproteins of the active body tissues (the liver, brain,
glands, etc.) always contain highly unsaturated fatty acids and sulphur-rich proteins. She also
demonstrated that many drugs, such as barbiturates, sleeping pills, and painkillers break the
natural association between oil and protein.
She observed that the yellow-green protein substance replaced healthy blood cells after
consuming foods containing hydrogenated oils. Industrial methods of stabilizing oils essentially
produce a chemically preserved liquid plastic that does not spoil on the supermarket shelf and that
cannot be assimilated by the body. Hydrogenation of unsaturated oils destroys the unsaturated
connections, literally removing the field of electrons that allow for revitalization of many bodily
Hydrogenation destroys the ability of EFA molecules to associate with protein and achieve water
solubility in the fluids of the living body. These fats are no longer active at the surface and
capillary level, which means they can no longer flow into capillaries. Solid fats that are not water
soluble and that cannot associate with protein are not capable of circulating through fine capillary
networks. In response, the blood thickens, causing problems with blood circulation.
Concurrently, fats without a protein-carrier end up as unhealthy fat deposits in areas where fat is
not suppose to accumulate (e.g., around the heart, in arteries, etc.). Ultimately, the metabolism of
fat, or lack thereof, affects each and every organ.
These findings seemed to implicate the commercial fats and oils industry. These companies
viewed her work as a threat to their livelihood. When she refused to suppress this information,
which demonstrated the dangers of the commercial oil processing, she lost the laboratory
facilities she was working with, and the fat research journals refused to publish her findings.
When her attempts to further her research were thwarted, Dr. Budwig decided to open her own
health practice. She later stated, “This is the best thing that could have happened. It forced me to
apply my theoretically sound knowledge practically on humans, on the cases the doctors had
given up as hopeless.” Dr. Budwig has written several books detailing the cases she has treated
successfully, some of which include: