I have been completely raw for 3 months now, and during this time I was experiencing huge amounts of healing crisises. I didn't know it would do that, so I thought my Candida was just getting worse. So today, I felt nauseated, brainfogged, depressed, fatigued, bloated from eating so much raw food, so for the first time in 3 months, I cooked some scrambled eggs and guzzled them down. I automatically felt relief and my head suddenly cleared. I'm assuming that my body was healing during the time I ingested the eggs.
Just wanted to let you know, magnolia. =) And oh yeah, I saw your pictures!! I screamed in glee when I saw them because I have been passing the same exact stuff for a whole month now!! Sometimes it fills the whole bottom of the toilet, it's so much. It's actually gotten black lately, which makes me think I'm getting towards the end of it.
Good luck, lovely!! (And oh yeah, I'm moving to Austin in a few months!!)