Thank you for sharing this information. In 2002 I was haunted by
food intolerances ; I almost passed out from eating wheat or dairy; I had severe cramps; My bowels were stopped; I had to quit eating - almost.
I discovered EM and I am now almost cured; I no longer get cramps; I can eat bread.
I started by using and researching EM for agriculture shortly after I had started making my own concoctions with yogurt and fish fertilizer and pouring it on soil. I received an email from a scientist in Netherlands about EM. Shortly after that I became acquainted with Vinny through the EM ag forum. Over a year's period I was gradually drawn by EM to start drinking human brews I fermented. I have now been using it for 2 years.
My father got colon cancer and I tried to convince him to consume EM. Instead he believed Rubin because his product comes in a fancy expensive bottle. He lived, but only because he used magnets to kill the tumour but his surgeon butchered his anus when removing the dead tumour and now he craps in a bag.
Tibetan Buddhist. When I was a young hippy in Vancouver, I sat and watched TV with the Dali Lama once when he was visiting my friend, Tashi. I had no idea who he was. Another monk. We laughed and laughed at the commercials.
God will bless you for your truth.
More of his story....
It is May of 2006 and I want to tell you a true story about myself and how I gained my intestinal health back.
In about 2001 I had started researching the potential for beneficial organisms being responsible for continued plant health where no fertilizers or other type of horticultural care had been applied. This was simply brought into my head by observing that, patches of nettles, yarrow, red clover, fireweed, etc. not to mention the forest grew year after year with apparent perfect health with no interference from mankind. My equation of this to microorganism influence took the leap to the gut of human beings and other hair covered creatures. It has been fairly well established that a healthy balance of bacteria in the intestinal tract promotes proper digestion and virile health overall. Why not for plants? I proceeded to undertake the practice of my theory and concocted several unusual fermentations by mixing assorted things like yogurt, fish hydrolisate, worm castings, alfalfa meal, kelp, etc. with water and molasses and heated it for a fermentation process over several days. This, I then applied to soil in our greenhouse and outdoors. It seemed beneficial. During this discovery period I was eternally cruising the Internet looking for information and lo and behold discovered I was not alone in this unusual theory and practice. I read an article and fired off an email to the author, a scientist in the Netherlands. He wrote me back and told me about EM (Effective Microorganisms). Apparently I was not even close to being the originator of this concept and I found a dealer for EM and bought and used my first bottle for fermentations for soil and plants in 2002. The results were miraculous! Earth which had been hardpan dried out, couldn’t break it with a hoe, became spongy moisture retaining fertile aggregate soil within three months. I continued using EM fermentations and use them to this day on our farm. Combined with compost tea, fertilizers are a thing of the past but that is not what this story is about.
I started researching EM further through the Internet and came to be acquainted with Vinny Pinto and his EM forum and informative websites some time in 2003. Through this I learned that people were using EM fermentations for their own health.
I had always had a bit of trouble when I ate wheat, usually becoming drowsy afterwards. In 2001/2 this problem had become major and expanded to include most foods. I suffered with almost passing out, severe cramps and days of being constipated. By the Fall of 2002 I had cut out almost all foods as I just could not tolerate them. I was eating only one small meal a day composed of brown rice, broccoli and sometimes chicken. I could not eat beef or pork nor raw vegetables; dairy products doubled me up with spasms. Over the next 2 years I lost about 40
pounds going from 165 to 125 pounds. Thankfully I discovered magnesium citrate, a supplement which relieved my constipation and also boosted my energy a little.
I was gradually drawn to the idea of ingesting EM fermentations. It was almost as though the EM was calling to me. I fermented a batch for around 70 days to try out. I started with a table spoon twice daily and over a couple of months worked up to around 50 ml per day. In three months or so my cramps were history and now about two years later I can eat bread again and some dairy products. My energy level is higher and I do not feel the need for vitamin supplements. I take between 50 and 100 ml of EM fermentation daily. I still rarely eat beef or pork and my diet consists of a lot of brown rice, vegetables and eggs. I can once again enjoy raw vegetables.
I believe my problems started from the use of large amounts of
Antibiotics following surgeries and infections diagnosed by doctors. I was born with a bone deformity so had numerous surgeries and loads of
Antibiotics through my life. This is what I believe stripped me of my helpful organisms, gut buddies. I had additional surgery in late 2002 accompanied by
Antibiotics which did correlate to my onset of more severe symptoms.
Around the same time my father had been prescribed a course of antibiotics for bladder infections and subsequently was exhibiting symptoms of colitis. He had to rush to the bathroom all day and night and he developed oozing sores on his legs. He tried a variety of supplements and diets to alleviate his problem but nothing had much effect. He even tried large doses of Primal Defense to no avail. I offered to ferment EM for him, even though I was not using it internally at the time, but he declined because it was not in a bottle with a label. Around a year and a half following that my father was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer. Because my symptoms had been worsening I became concerned that I too may possibly have cancer so I went to see my general practitioner (GP) who scheduled me for a barium enema x-ray. I told him I did not think it was a good idea to insert some foreign substance into my bowels if I was already exhibiting inflammatory symptoms. He just told me not to worry. I read that the survival rate for a perforated bowel during a barium enema is zero. I decided to bypass him and got another doctor to refer me to my father’s specialist who was shocked that my GP had not scheduled a colonoscopy because colon cancer runs in families. By this time I had just started consuming EM fermentations and it took about ten weeks to arrange for a virtual colonoscopy (like a colonoscopy but with a ct scan). At this point the cramps were beginning to subside but I still was eating only once per day. When I had my exam I expected to at least hear that I had a few polyps at age 53 but I was clean as a whistle. Was my intestinal tract free of visible problems because of EM? I don’t know and never will. I can assert, however, that it seems that the healing which has occurred in my gut was brought about by ingesting EM fermentations.