first off - thanks to all of you for such a great forum - it has been so educational!! just a quick summary of my current battle: what prompted me to start this journey was severe nasal congestion on the right side of my nose for about 18 months now that
Antibiotics , and a host of other remedies, including saline flushes wouldn't help... so, i've been working on what i think are either fungal or
parasite issures via caprylic acid (4 weeks) and parastroy (2 weeks), and i've been doing bowel cleansing and just finished my 3rd
Liver-Flush - i am AMAZED at the number and size of stones i am passing - i am blown away by how congested my liver must be... i am carfeul to take priobiotics after the flushes to reintroduce the good ones to my colon... i do feel relief from my treaments, but i'm definitely not back to normal yet.
anyway, i've been feeling a lot of tenderness in the glands on the side of my neck for about the last 10 days, and i can't figure out if it's die off, or maybe i have leaky gut and the probiotics are causing the glands to get irritated or what (i've been taking about 4000 mg l-glutamine for about a week)... i just want to make sure i'm not hindering my progress by leaving out an important step....