You've had quite a few ideas regarding how to help with the infection. Here is how to prevent them.
Candida depletes magnesium and magnesium deficiency is THE major cause for ear infection.
Because candida infests the bowels, assimilation is not ideal. Magnesium suppl. in solid form will be rather hard to assimilate. Liquid assimilates better. Magnesium chloride is the common liquid solution. It taste awful, but deluted in a glass of water (which will again, help assimilation) the taste is bearable. A few drops of mag in the ear canal is also an alternative.
Magnesium suppl. (and vitamin B) you must keep taking until you are over with candida.
When candida dies (garlic and other antifungals) it will release a poison, a toxin which is poisonous because it causes oxydation. To prevent oxydate= damages to your healthy ear/body cells, you need antioxydants. FOr the ears, my experience has proven that vit. C is the very best. 500mg 4x/day until you are over with earaches .
HEAT is a good way to help weaken candida. When I suffer from earaches, I sleep with a scarve around my head to keep my ears warm. Massaging the sore surface is also VERY important to help release the toxins.
Water intake is primordial. Water will only remain in your body if you have enough electrolytes to help the water pass through the bowel walls and the cell membranes. Unfortunately, must of candida suffferers do not realise that they are sodium deficient. TO help with this deficiency, simply add a dash of salt to your drinking water- if you wake up with swollen eyes in the morning (=kidney issue) you are overdoing it and should reduce the sodium intake.