I'm not nearly as knowledgeable and well-studied as you, but there are several puzzle pieces knocking around in my head.
Two that I picked up from Sans Sucre (Q for MORELESS) are detoxing too quickly and more toxins than the liver can handle. (That's as simply as I can explain what I'm thinking.)
Allergy to yeast makes sense, too.
I've been tested for
food sensitivities and came up with some odd ones...including bananas, broccoli, other things, and plants of the nightshade family - white potatoes, sweet peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, and tobacco.
This last group has been particularly devastating. I had an on-board egg breakfast on a long plane flight. Almost immediately my hands began to swell and itch terribly. (The stew was shocked and brought me a bag of ice. I plunged my hands in and kept them there until the cubes melted to water.)
This incident I put down to some form of penicillin in the eggs. It's never happened again, but it led to a series of allergic reactions over the next weeks/months in the sub-tropics.
I won't catalogue them, but they included sand fleas, cat fleas, eggplant, a flu something like dengue (sp?) in the area, and several stresses. The symptoms included severe itchy body rashes; coughing; and vomiting from the lungs. An MD/ND there helped me with herbals, and mentioned that he saw signs of fungal overgrowth.
I ended up back on the plane for home, and the conditions disappeared immediately I set foot on the on-ramp.
I know that smoking was a part of the cause, but that has been a devil to get rid of.
By the way, I just got the CigArrest natural program, and the first line I read was about how one keeps smoking TO AVOID THE UNPLEASANT FEELINGS OF WITHDRAWAL. To me that means that we smokers are continually approaching withdrawal, and grab each cigarette for relief. It's kind of like being continually in withdrawal...NOT that we actually enjoy smoking. What a revelation that was!
Also, I've read elsewhere that tobacco can contain fungi, etc., etc. So, I look forward to getting off the merry-go-round. But I wonder if detoxing from tobacco might aggrivate my current symptoms. Rats!
There are more things in the nature of allergies, too. Dropping my occasional cup of coffee rid me of 20 years of some migraines up under the back of my skull. Go figure!
Allergies MUST be a part of the whole equation.
Thanks for bringing this up.