Don't automatically assume your bad breath stems only from your mouth or your oral hygeine... There are many. many causes of bad breath.... from post nasal drip (due to allergy or sinus problems) to your diet... I have been struggling with an odor from my nose (and when it's bad, it comes out my mouth, too) for a couple of years now, and I think I've finally pinned it down as coming from a low-grade infection in my sinuses/nasal cavity due to allergies... the allergies cause my membranes to swell, which prevents normal drainage, which causes the bacteria to accumulate... So try to focus on the source of your bad breath instead of simply trying to treat it or cover it up... I wasted a ton of time and energy trying to come up with the "wonder cure" only to realize that the answer was staring me right in the face.... Good luck -- I know how life-disturbing this condition can be... I hope in your case it is the oral/back-of-the-tongue type of halitosis... That is the easiest to cure... You also might want to check out the "body/odor bad breath" forum on here... It's PACKED with people suffering from your condition....
Just my two bits....