What I meant was that once you've HAD a bad bout with candida, you are prone to it for the rest of your life. Your dietary changes and probiotic supplementation will surely help keep it at bay, sure. But I beg to differ about the issue of amalgams. Having had them removed myself, I can say with CERTAINTY that my candida symptoms have diminished, and my life has improved in ways I did not even know needed improvement. Once candida goes systemic, it gets into parts of you body that oregano oil and
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract can't reach... and if the
Amalgams remain, they simply keep "feeding" the candida in those places...
You said, "Besides, a lot of people without fillings have candida. And a lot of people with fillings do not have candida."
BUT --- The people WITH fillings who have Candida (like you) are only contributing to its perpetuation. And the people with fillings who DON'T have Candida may not have any other contributing factors, like having taken a lot of
Antibiotics or BC pills, for example. Or they may not be sensisitve to molds or yeasts. And they may have had pristeen diets with lots of yogurt all their lives, etc., etc... But I can ASSURE you they have OTHER physical or neurological issues from the fillings. You cannot refute the fact that
Amalgams in your body aren't good for you. I don't need to list the symptoms it causes, becuase they are too numerous. Having those things removed was the single best thing I have ever done to improve my health. Period.