I don't think you will have a problem with the enema because you were eating nuts. To make a long story short I have a narrowing in my intestine or a kink that has been there my whole life. Ocassionally certain foods that tend to bunch up cause me to get backed up until they push their way thru the narrowing. The narrowing is in my large intestine, I found when I had a colonoscopy. I woke right up out a twilight sleep during the test when they hit that spot. IN any event I think I was backed up so when I did the enema it may have actually caused some stool that already could not pass thru the opening to bulk up a little if this making sense. It will take a while for this to clear up. It has happened before. Anyway I will try enema again in a week. Alof of white junk cam e out so I am motiviated.
Feel like the flu is definately die off especially if you are fdeeling tired and worn out. I felt like that for 3 weeks prioir to Christmas while on coconut oil til I ran out of it. I got really tired, achy, headachy, a little nauseous, and I jsut wanted to go home and go to bed. Now that I am back on coconut oil the die off is starting up again hoorah!
With enema , all I did get some pure bottled water and then warmed it up by placing the bottle in a bowl of warm water. Then I broke open a few probiotic capsules and eptied into bottle and shook it up to make sure it was disolved well. Poured it into bag, hooked tunign to the bad , hung from towel bar . It all took about 30 seconds since I could only hold about 8
ounces before I felt fullness. But there should be directions with you enema bag or curezone does have site with instructions too. Then you hold in liquid for as long as you can from 2-10 minutes til the urge to go is unbearable. That is all there is too it.
I did not feel too well while I was going. I felt a little faint, little nauseous and crampy. But nothing too bad.