> I tried my first cleanse this past weekend. Got out maybe
> a 100 or so stones. A few 1/2", many pea size, and many
> that were much smaller (many only sesame seed in size).
> Q1) I used Dr. Clark's recipe and I had diarrea pretty bad
> (in fact I was up part of the first night) and it continued
> until late afternoon on the 2nd day. Is it okay to use
> less
Epsom Salts next time?
Take 2/3 or half of what you took last time.
> Q2) The cleanse was pain free, but I started getting some
> pain around 5pm of the 2nd day. I think the
Epsom Salts wore
> off and then suddenly the stones were trapped in some duct.
> That's all I can imagine. It's more persistent than the minimal
> pain I've had previously. So should I still wait 2 weeks to
> do another cleanse or should I do it sooner?
Do it immediately, tomorrow!
Do not wait!
Flush it out!
> Or will they
> work their way out if I continue to drink apple juice?
No, juice can not help with stones in bile ducts.
The only thing that helps is more bile,... and that means another flush, but this time less
Epsom Salts .
> Q3) How should I eat after the cleanse? No fat, low fat,
> lots of fat to help push out more stones? Not sure what's
> the best plan.
As much good fat as you can.
A lot of olive oil, flaxseed oil ... and other natural sources of fat ...
Fat free diet contributes to
Gallstones formation!
> Q4) Dr. Clark says to lay on back, but most flushes I've read
> said to lay on right side. So which works better?
Nobody knows!
Try both, and then compare!