well i get highlights and low lights (which are chemicals obviously) put into my hair as well as a shampoo and cut. about 7 weeks ago when i last went, i was under the dryer with my foils in, and after about 15 minutes my head started burning pretty bad. i have never had that before and i have been going to her for a year now getting the same thing done. it kinda freaked me out but i suffered through it and was able to remain calm. now this time, i did not have the burning so maybe it's a good sign. not really sure. what's strange is i have been sick for almost 6 months now and probably had my hair done 4 times since i got the candida but only had the problem that one time. things always seem to be change a lot with candida...some thing's that initially bother you will go away or are only temporary and other things that are fine become not fine at any given moment. you just never know i guess. i think i posted the other day that i had bought a new face wash...it has 10% benzoyl peroxide in it which i guess is pretty strong. well my face started burning pretty bad when i used it and it got me all worked up. i have used it since and it isn't quite as bad. i just keep testing it to see if i am really reacting or if i am having an anxious response. when i had it on my face today i instantly started getting some pains in my leg and weird things but i honestly think part of it is an anxiety thing. i don't see how it being on my face for ten seconds could've caused a reaction in my leg that quick - seems a little odd to me. just like how anti-anxiety meds like lorazepam (ativan) or xanax or any of those can get rid of symptoms temporarily, i think stress has the opposite affect, creating intensified symptoms. probably something to do with seratonin levels or whatever it is that goes on inside your body when you get anxious. i am no scientist but i think you understand what i am trying to say - i do believe i have chemical sensitivities, but at the same time i think that we can make the reaction our body is having worse by getting stressed over it. i also find i am more symptomatic when i am not actively doing something. when i lay around or sit in front of the computer...i am muchg more aware of what's going on inside my body. today i went xmas shopping for a few hours and was so busy i felt completely fine. then when i took a break and sat down to eat, i started feeling a little crappy.
as for doctors, i do not go to them anymore. i went to enough this year and got no help. i am afraid to go back to my family doctor and tell him what i think is wrong with me because he will probably laugh in my face. it caused me WAY too much stress and i don't want to go through all of that again. i am just listening to my body and doing the best i can to treat myself. i have thought about going to a naturopath but at this point they are probably only going to tell me everything i have learned here on these boards so it seems like a waste of time to me. my stepbrother's mom had candida and it took her over two years to get better - she was a huge help when i first got sick...also, i just found out my sister's
sister-in-law had candida as well...got it the same way i did...taking
Antibiotics prescribed by a dermatologist for complexion problems. she went through a lot of the same things as me...lots of tests...everyone telling her she was nuts and a hypochondriac. so i am going to call her soon and find out how she got better. my sister was telling me she still eats all organic food for the most part and really watches what she eats. although she can drink alcohol again and eat sweets from time to time. she just doesn't overdo it.
well i think i have done enough rambling. just don't stress too much about the shampoo thing. you are obviously having a reaction to something in the shampoo if the effects are lasting for a long time after using it. anxiety only adds fuel to the fire but i seriously doubt anxiety would leave you feeing cold and numb for that long. you should check out the ingredients in that shampoo and try and pinpoint exactly what could be the cause. do you get the cold reaction from anything else? maybe there is some type of common denominator and you can figure out what exactly does it to you. but try not worry too much. i always tell myself...it isn't going to kill me...i know it's only temporary...and i can calm myself down when i am having a weird reaction.