I use both depending on the occasion. Enzymes are fantastic for eating out. The salad dressing causes a mini
Liver Flush (cleasing effect) and I've used it with great success. The mix of oil and lemon, forces bile out of the liver. It is a liver cleanse and a digestive help.
Salad dressing:
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
herbs for flavor. I like to use: Tarragon, parsley, minth (loads) and oregano.
Must eat 7 days in a row for it to cleanse liver (ideally with carrots).
Minth: will make the digestive aid more powerful. And it is an antibacterian (bad breath)
Cilantro: I also now use cilantro (coriander) to help chelate heavy metals (detox)
Parsley: is great for kidneys issues.
basil: to help with oxydation and as an antibacterian (bad breath)
Oregano: antifungal
I use chives just for the taste, add your own favorites.