First I ever heard of gastroparesis so I looked it up but don't have the time to read much now. You would be a good canidate for raw juice therapy as there is no digestion involved, only assimilation. Twenty minutes after drinking raw vegetable juice it's assimilated. Do some research and get yourself a good juicer that extracts the pulp. I looked at a Juiceman at Boscov's and it was about $100.00.
Dr. Norman Walker has an exellent book on juicing. Where ever you find Walker's books you will also find Bragg's. I think Paul Bragg tought the Juiceman how to juice. The Braggs have some good books out and one is on apple cider vinegar (with the mother in it).
There is an infomercial on TV where a researcher tells a story about his friend with heartburn and he offers him a teaspoon of vinegar. The man complains that he needs an antacid but takes the vinegar and the heartburn disappears. No he didn't need a antiacid, the stomach is pH 1.6, acid to digest food. I don't think the infomercial book is worth it but I don't really know. I do know that there is almost always a way to get around taking drugs that hide the underlying cause of the true problem.
I wish you well,