The most toxic chemical produced in the human body is ACETALDEHYDE, a by-product of Candida infestation. Detox ACETALDEHYDE with PANTETHINE, the metabolized form of Pantothenic Acid, B-5. This is commercially available as a cholesterol lowering supplement, "Cholesteril" and in a cholesterol formulation by Jarrow, among others.
Wiping out ACETALDEHYDE (Uh-Seet-Al-Duh-Hide) is Job #1 as it destroys tissue and induces toxicity that debilitates bodily functions. Many people do not metabolize B-5 into Pantethine, which turns into Master Coenzyme A, the detox agent for ACETALDEHYDE. So shoot for taking PANTETHINE, not just Pantothenic Acid, B-5.
Take a good antifungal, like UNDECYLENIC ACID, available on the net, or CAPRYLIC ACID, less powerful but more widely available at health food stores. Heal up Leaky Gut from Candida infiltration with Alpha Lipoic Acid, taken with meals. Supplement with Magnesium or apples to replace Candida-stolen Magnesium.
And do NOT take steroids (or birth control hormones for that matter) which feed Candida, but support adrenals with good mineral salts like Kelp or
Sea Salt ; and healthy fats and oils--no fried or hydrogenated foods. Take the Keto 7 form of DHEA only as needed for anxiety or clammy hands and feet. Women need only small doses. The effects of Keto 7 can be felt within 20 minutes.
Avoid yeast breads that are loaded with yeast food. No
Sugar or sweet fruits and vegetables, please. Eliminating sugary foods will clean up Chronic Fatigue quickly. Replenish friendly gut flora with a good mixed supplement of Bifida and other lactobacillus taken with bananas, the exception to the
Sugar rule, as it feeds the good guys. Tell a friend about this protocol, especially anyone who has had personality change after taking
Antibiotics , or steroid or hormone use. May the Creator bless us with healing. God bless!