Hi, I agree with the messagges above....
Drugs as synthesized substances seems to be easier for
parasites to figure out and create deffenses against it soon enough...
The same happens with most anti-
parasite herbs, being harder for
parasites to decode when combined with oters..
Let's take
Clarkia for example, being a combined herbs tincture formula stands better chance against
parasites than taken each separately, and for getting longer effectiveness,would call for further combining with another herb-extract or the same herb in another presentation (fresh, powdered in capsule, oil/alcohol/glycerine-base tincture)
Another strategy is changing the order of taking your main tincture, this time taking first a Immune System Herb Formula such as Dr. Schultz's Echinacea formula-->
There are many memebrs practicing the "sweet bait" strategy, this is consuming some sweet treat to lure parasites and right after the 'bait' taking 'the kill pill' grabbing those on the sweet feast, hands down to a massive kill...
As a general rule, immune system enhancing herbs are not being registered as enemies by parasites, as many of those herbs don't ttack the
parasite directly, but make our deffenses stronger ....
Taking garlic in small quantities for long periods of time will bring many health benefits besides forming a barrier against some parasites suach as worms and most molds and plenty of bacteria types too...
Taking garlic in large dosification will produce large die off effects so it should be used with caution..or feel overwhelmed by the 'seemingly neverending' discomfort all over your body, specially skin and face ..yuch!! ouch!! scratch-scratch!!
Never swallow whole garlic cloves. Garlic needs to be crushed and exposed briefly to fresh air; This action will trigger a very importtant chain-reaction, where the sealed 'oils' start reacting with oxygen, and converting the oils to a lighter gaseous form, helping to stimulate your immune system, glands, and digestive tract,...which wouldn't be possible when taken whole, being instead a big burden to the stomach trying to penetrate the garlic hard-fiber core for digesting, by calling for large amounts of digestive juices causing high acidosis, which is no good as it creates just the opposite effect putting our bodies in a state of emergency ..High Acidosis opens the door to health problems -->
You can crush it, or cut it into tiny pieces, put it in a cup, squeese a couple of lemonss over the 'open' garlic, mix let it stand for 3 mins...pour 1 Tablespoon of
Extra-Virgin Olive OIl and a pinch of
Sea Salt , mix and enjoy!!
This is a great way to consume these health-producing ingredients in a single take..
Healthy Regards