Hello! I'm just wondering: how strongly is mercury linked to candida, depression, etc. and what is the liklihood (in honesty) that mercury is a leading causitive factor behind any of my physical/emotional problems? I have 3 fillings my mouth that are made of 46% mercury, but they are not very big (none of them cover anywhere near the entire surface of a tooth). I also have a couple that are made of the "white" filling, which is supposedly mercury-free and not a problem. I've just been reading up a lot on mercury toxicity lately and have gotten myself kind of spooked. I actually set up an appointment to get x-rays done and to schedule the replacements, and then cancelled because I wanted to round up a bit more information first. Other than the amalgams, I can't think of any other exposure to mercury that I might have, except for the occassional canned tuna. I have not had my blood or urine checked for mercury content because I read that neither were very effective tests. Basically, I don't want to get the fillings replaced unless it really is going to make a difference, because it's a very large financial investment (for me), and also, I'm afraid of getting loads of exposure when they actually drill out the old mercury. When people get this procedure done, is it generally to replace larger fillings and more of them? Are my three (relatively) small
Amalgams enough to warrant getting them out? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)