I never had threelac or O2 but I've had quite a few cravings back then.
Over time,
I 've found out that I would get cravings
after I have cheated on
Sugar (the following days)
when my liver needed a cleanse and would desperately try to get rid of old bile thus making me autstandingly hungry.
But cravings are very common. And it is amazing the quantity of stuff you can swallow before you finally get over it.
Are you comfortable with the diet? Have you done a bit of a
Bowel Cleanse yet, if these two are affirmative then you might be ready for a liver cleanse.
You could try this one:
Cleansing salad 2:
1 cup carrot pulp or grated
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
herbs for flavor. I like to use: Tarragon, parsley, minth (loads) and oregano
Must eat 7 days in a row for it to cleanse liver.
However if you have not done a
Bowel Cleanse yet, you should not jump to the liver cleanse yet and get a proper
Bowel Cleanse first. Psyllium would be a good start (and would help with the cravings too).