The olive
Nothing is better.
I live in Portland and I recently discovered a particular kind of olive at one of our local co-ops that is 100% raw and 100% the best olive I have ever had. It is the Farga olive. It is very difficult to find, but I am going to ask the co-op how to get in contact with their supplier.
Olives are a very long lived tree. Their roots can extend hundreds of feet. They mine the social and bring up loads of minerals: calcium, magnesium, you name it.
Olives have proteins, and good fatty acids. Olives are satisfying.
I have just eat olives and greens for lunch. I might have 30-40 olives and greens with no dressing and it is my favorite lunch ever.
Olives make the skin glow, and they are great for athletic performance. The research indicates they may also be an anti-aging food. How could they not be with their heavy minearl content?
Finally olives are one of the only fatty foods (in their raw state) that are alkaline forming in the body. (although this can vary from person to person depending on metabolic constitution)
How could you lose? Try a raw olive